Data Visualization

We agree with the definition on Wikipedia that Data Visualization is the graphic representation of data.

Within the context of a business, Data Visualization is used to visualize the performance of the business, be specific to a certain process, department, or across the organization.
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, hence we leverage data visualization techniques to communicate business results and craft insight that supports decision making.
Among others, we find that datavizcatalogue and datavizproject provide good collections of data visualization types and their purpose.

In our work, the most visualizations used include bar charts, bubble charts, sparkle lines, line graphs, tree and heat maps, and waterfall charts.
We often leverage pivot table charts (with indicator icons) to report on KPI metrics and their trends over time as well as supporting business metrics.
We create reporting packages and dashboards organized according to a top-down approach to content consumption.
We begin with results shown at the highest level of relevance for a quick assessment of the current state and we provide the ability to drill into more detailed view of the data for root cause analysis, results comparisons, or trend analysis.