The genesis of our partnership
When Gene and I started working together at the same company, we hit it off immediately. We would periodically start talking in the late evening and and our conversations would eventually end up discussing the desire to leverage our combined expertise to help businesses thrive by helping them leverage their data.
We realized that most small and medium businesses haven’t reached a level of sophistication that would allow them to tap into the data that their operations generate daily (if not more frequently) and use such data to their advantage. In our experience we found that this is due to factors such as fast growth of the business, focus on product or service development and delivery, or lack of the appropriate skill set.
We decided that we would join forces and offer our services at fair prices to help the continued success of businesses and contribute back to the community.
We hope we can make a difference as well as continue growing personally and professionally ourselves, so reach out to us and let us show how we can help with your analytical needs!